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New shipping costs

More favourable terms for orders from abroad

As a result of the pandemic, war and energy crisis, costs are increasing all over - concerning everyday life as well as production and distribution. To secure more favourable raw coffee prices for small-scale cooperatives and to compensate for increasing import costs, Cafe Libertad did increase retail prices for coffee and espresso as recently as June 2022.

At the same time we are deeply concerned with solidarily traded coffee not becoming a luxury item for the well-off, but to be affordable for as many people as possible – to be a building block in the structure of social movements against neo-colonial exploitation relations and racist border regimes, against war and patriarchy.

All for everyone, nothing for us

So far, shipping for orders from abroad has been rather expensive as we depend on commercial mail-order companies and cannot escape this dependency. Due to increased quantities, we are now subject to new, substantially more favourable delivery conditions.

Instead of preserving the status quo to generate reserve funds for additional anticipated cost increases, e.g. for electricity and gas, we want to pass this reduction on to you: For deliveries outside Germany, shipping costs are adjusted downwards and entirely aligned with the new conditions.

This amounts to shipping within Europe being Euro 10,44 to 16,66 per delivery up to 20 kg. (Previously, it has been generally more than 20 Euro and in extreme cases more than 50 Euro!). A detailed overview of current shipping conditions for all countries can be found here.

Domestic shipping remains constant

Shipping costs for deliveries within Germany remain the same and for you, conditions are as usual: Euro 5,50 per delivery and orders of more than 10 kg of coffee and espresso are free of shipping costs. As this is relatively cheap, there is no room for further discounts.

Due to increasing costs, a raise in shipping costs would have been necessary. For the above-mentioned reasons, we have decided against this. Thus, we forego a hidden contribution, e.g. for increased costs of packaging. These additional costs continue to be funded by retail proceeds and are therefore diminishing the net income of Cafe Libertad. This does not concern solidarity funding, because these funds are realised by fixed shares of the coffee price.

Generally, we approve of greater order quantities and consequently omission of shipping costs for domestic orders. If one big package is ordered instead of several small ones, our labour input and therefore additional costs are decreasing. Furthermore, less package material and transports are putting less strain on the environment. But still the motto applies: Every bean helps!

Solidarity with the labour struggles in the logistics industry!

Café Libertad Kollektiv, 22. September 2022

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