Shipping costs, discounts and packaging sustainability
Terms of delivery
Shipping costs within Germany
6,49 € (incl. 19% VAT).
Free shipping for 10 kg roasted coffee or espresso and above.
Shipping abroad
Generally, our foreign price list (see below) applies depending on your order's gross weight (including packaging).
As a rule, your order will be shipped by UPS.
Within Hamburg, delivery by cargo bike is possible.
Payment, payment period and discount
Delivery on account or direct debit.
The invoice is included in your shipment. Payment period: within 14 days. Please don't forget to transfer the money after your shipment arrives!
We grant a 2% discount for direct debit, please state your account number.
As of now, direct debit is only possible within Germany and for Austria.
Quantity discount
20 kg roasted coffee and more: 2% discount
50 kg roasted coffee and more: 5% discount
100 kg roasted coffee and more: 7,5% discount
250 kg roasted coffee and more: 10% discount
Resale discount
Café Libertad is not available in supermarkets or chain stores. As a direct distributor, we don't include a resale discount or similar premium in our price. Bookstores, world shops or other retail units which fit and support the notion of solidary trade, implement their premium for the service of supplying our coffee locally. Every shop and location has its realities and particular costs that have to be covered.
Collection discount: 10% discount on cash and carry ex-warehouse for 5 kg roasted coffee and more.
Notice: Discounts don't apply to books subject to legally fixed book prices (BuchPrG).
»Packaging philosophy«
For ecological reasons, we are recycling cardboard boxes and other packaging materials. In addition to old Taz newspapers (many thanks to Taz Hamburg!) We are also re-using the plastic sheets of wrapped palettes, corrugated cardboard and sheets of paper previously lining the inside of containers being unloaded at our warehouse.
German coffee tax
Deliveries within the EU (documented export to an EU member state) with valid VAT numbers can be subject to reimbursement of German coffee tax of € 2,19 per kg. Your valid VAT number can be checked at VIAS (EU Commission's VAT Information Exchange System).
Foreign price list
Prices for shipping abroad are calculated automatically after registering on our webshop during your order, depending on your destination country. If your desired destination is not included in the system, please send an email. Prices are based on our shipping provider UPS' tariffs, depending on the weight and quantity of required parcels.