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Information on the current situation

Coffee in times of global pandemic

Dear customers, dear friends,

We are keeping up the idea of solidary trade even and particularly in times of Corona. There is no need to worry that coffee is going to run out. The supply chain is working, as are the roasting machines.

In March, we have received two containers delivering 500 sack of raw coffee from women's coop Aprolma in Honduras and Columbian Ecolsiera coop. Additional 10 containers of raw coffee have been pre-financed and are being harvested and processed by our partner coops.

Facing an increased volume of orders right now, we are processing all your orders – promise! However, packing and shipping may take a couple of days longer than you are used to. Currently, parcel service providers are taking more time for delivery as well. Thank you for understanding. A substantial roasting order is being processed at the moment, therefore, all brands are available in large quantities for the foreseeable future.

Nevertheless, we have cancelled public sale in our premises for the time being and are focusing on our core competence: direct distribution of roast coffee for you and delivery for local partner projects and shops. For the same reason, we have suspended the sale of Campo coop's products which we are not selling wholesale. We will restart distributing these items to you some time soon.

Likewise, our support of cooperatives and projects is going on. In Moria Camp on Lesbos, disastrous conditions prevail. Following fascist attacks, another catastrophe is impending due to Corona and endangering thousands of refugees. In order to prevent the worst, refugees and supporters have established the Moria Corona Awareness Team providing information in several languages and organising protective measures via self-help.

More information: https://standbymelesvos.gr/2020/corona-awareness-team-in-moria-camp/

The St Pauli Roar Espresso Solidarity Fund has provided € 3000.- emergency relief. In this context, we are calling for the opening of borders for medical care for refugees, the evacuation of huge internment camps like Moria and provision of local accomodation for refugees in Germany as soon as possible. Support refugees' rights and self-organisation!


EZLN has triggered red alert due to Corona. They recommend the „immediate and comprehensive closure of all caracoles and centres of resistance“ to all rebellious Zapatista counties. Café Libertad has offered direct support for medical care and is in close contact with Zapatista coops.

Several „extraordinary hygienical recommendations and measures“ are going to be implemented in order to enable all people to survive the pandemic. This is not supposed to mean ceasing all political struggles or abolishing human contact but changing their forms temporarily. Previously, protective measures in Mexico had been inadequate and big events had rarely been cancelled. Adequate infrastructure and health care are not available in many indigenous communities and rural regions.

More information: Kommunique der EZLN. Aus den Bergen des Südosten Mexikos. (German only)

Stay healthy, stay rude!

Café Libertad Kollektiv

“Free all Antifas”

We are introducing an espresso supporting antifascist action and solidarity with persons targeted by repression. » more

New Prices in 2025

Due to massively increasing raw coffee prices, we have increased our retail prices. More information you can find here. » more

European Deforestation Regulation

The new EU regulation disregards the realities of Indigenous small-scale farmers and cooperatives. It is undermining their means of existence and aggravating land conflicts and repression. » more

Armed attack on coffee cooperative

A paramilitary assault on Zapatista structures is an expression of the escalation in Chiapas, which is being fuelled by Mexican and European legislation. » more

Report on the social situation in Mexico

In Mexico, repression and struggles against mega projects are increasing. A "civilising crisis" encompasses the region, an indigenous delegation reports. » more

Declaration of Solidarity: Stop the war against Zapatista communities!

The situation in Chiapas is escalating and paramilitary attacks are increasing. In the Zapatista community of Moisés y Gandhi, one person was seriously injured by gunfire. » more

New coffee harvest 2023

With the new harvest, our warehouses are filling up again with raw coffee, also from new cooperatives. Soon all 5kg bulk packs will be available again and we can recalculate our sales prices. » more

Resistance against mega project in the Philippines

Interview with an anarchist environmentalist campaigning against the hydropower station and dam project. » more

New harvest, new prices

As the new harvest is arriving and raw coffee prices for small-scale farmers' coops have improved considerably, we now have to increase our sales prices as well. » more

The idea of Zapatism

»For a world where there is space for many worlds« is one of the messages from the Lacandonian djungle » more